Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Soaking up the last warm days of summer in Lansing

A little photo-journal entry of our weekend:

Sean made this awesome tree sculpture last winter.
It's made of left-over chicken wire bits, and a bit of unexpected nature.

The lovely blue flowers I nearly killed (4 times)
are the prettiest thing in our garden!

Then, we biked from our house to the fish ladder in Old Town!

The River Trail was busier than expected, as was the fish ladder.
I saw a few father/son duos fishing in the Grand,
a lone woman happily kayaking,
lenty of locals soaking up the sun at the
Lansing City Market's Waterfront Bar & Grille.

I had never been, and it was WAY larger and more interesting than I expected.
Maybe next year we'll get there while the fish are still hopping.

A view from the observation deck ... and Sean's new crosstrail!

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